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Export of Products

Export of FLUKE CALIBRATION products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.


The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant FLUKE CALIBRATION: pressure calibrators, gas flow calibrators, temperature meters, calibration baths, probes, sensors, primary standards, industrial temperature calibrators, temperature calibrators, laboratory calibrators, multifunctional calibrators, electrical calibrators, HF calibrators, data collection systems
  • Pressure calibrators FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Pressure calibrators
    2271, 2700, etc.
  • Gas flow calibrators FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Gas flow calibrators
    5141, 5142, 5144, etc.
  • Temperature meters FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Temperature meters
    1502A-2506-256, 1502A-256, etc.
  • Calibration baths FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Calibration baths
    2019, 2100, etc.
  • Probes and sensors FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Probes and sensors
    5606, 5606-50, etc.
  • Primary standards FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Primary standards
    5698, 5686, 5681, etc.
  • Industrial temperature calibrators FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Industrial temperature calibrators
    3125, 9009, 9011, etc.
  • Temperature calibrators FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Temperature calibrators
    712B, 714, etc.
  • Laboratory calibrators FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Laboratory calibrators
    525, 5500, etc.
  • Calibrators are multifunctional FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Calibrators are multifunctional
    725, 726/APAC, etc.
  • Calibrators of electrical quantities FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Calibrators of electrical quantities
    5080, 6003, 6100, etc.
  • Pressure gauge calibrators FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Pressure gauge calibrators
    700G01, 700G08, 700GA, etc.
    HF Calibrators
    80, 80K, etc.
  • Data collection systems FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Data collection systems
    1586A, 1621A, etc.
  • Pneumatic pumps FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Pneumatic pumps
    700LTP-1 and others.
  • Additional equipment FLUKE CALIBRATION
    Additional equipment
    700HTH-1 and others.


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